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Behavior Policy & Code of Conduct

Woodridge Soccer Association and Storm Traveling Soccer Program Code of Conduct

WPD Behavior Policy for Participants, Parents, Guardians and Spectators

Participants/parents/guardians/spectators shall exhibit appropriate behavior at all times. The Park District developed the following guidelines to help make programs safe and enjoyable for all participants. The Park District may develop additional rules for particular programs and athletic leagues as deemed necessary by staff.

Participants/parents/guardians/spectators shall:

  1. Show respect to all participants, staff, referees, volunteers and spectators; and take direction from staff.
  2. Refrain from using abusive or foul language.
  3. Refrain from threatening or causing bodily harm to self, other participants, spectators, referees and staff.
  4. Respect all equipment, supplies, and facilities.
  5. Not possess any weapons.

Staff will use a positive approach regarding discipline. Staff will periodically review rules with participants during the program session. If inappropriate behavior occurs, prompt resolution will be sought, specific to each individual’s situation. The Agency reserves the right to dismiss a participant from a program or a parent/guardian/spectator from a program area whose behavior is inappropriate or endangers the safety of himself/herself or others.

Procedures For Participant Behavior

Upon registration or entry into the program, the parent/guardian should be solicited for any information regarding special accommodations needed for the participant. If any of these special accommodations are behavior related, the parent/guardian should be contacted for information about any behavior modification programs in place at school or home. Attempts should be made to utilize these in the program. Also, the inclusion coordinator from the Special Recreation Association (SRA) should be contacted for guidance. Documentation should be maintained regarding any problem behaviors, special accommodations, and behavior modification programs.

If the participant exhibits inappropriate actions, the following guidelines should be followed:

  1. Program leaders should determine the severity of the action and immediately
    take steps to correct it. These may include but are not limited to:
    • A verbal warning.
    • A supervised time-out from the program. (Most experts agree that a minute a year is a good rule of thumb for time-outs). The type of time-out may vary according to the situation (observational: from sidelines of activity; exclusion: away from the group but within view of the activity; seclusion: time-out area with staff member present away from view of the activity). If physical restraint is used to protect against injury, the time-out should be documented on a conduct report. Any conduct report made should be given to the full-time supervisor.
    • A suspension from the program for a designated time period. When determining the timeframes of suspension, the full-time program supervisor should consider the severity of the actions; the length of the program or activity; any past behavior issues with the individual; and willingness to improve their inappropriate behavior.
    • Dismissal from the program or activity by the full-time program supervisor. If inappropriate behavior persists or the behavior completely disrupts a program, removal from the program or activity may be necessary. Individuals dismissed or suspended from a program will be logged into the registration system in order for staff to monitor the individual’s status.
  2. If a participant receives a time-out or a suspension, the supervisor of the program should contact the parent/guardian. The supervisor should explain the inappropriate actions that were observed by the staff. Documentation is strongly recommended.
  3. Communication between staff and parent should be on-going regarding any further incidences of inappropriate behavior. Some other options may be discussed with the parent/guardian including:
    • Transfer to another program where inappropriate behavior may be less prone to occur.
    • Limited/reduced timeframe that participant is allowed to attend the program.
  4. Appeals by the participant and/or participant’s parent/guardian should be directed to the Superintendent of Recreation or Director of Parks & Recreation.

Procedures For Parent/Guardian/Spectator Behavior

If a parent/guardian/spectator exhibits inappropriate actions, the following guidelines should be followed:

  1. Program leaders, coaches, referees and Board members should determine the severity of the action and immediately take steps to correct it. These may include, but are not limited to:
    • A verbal warning
    • Removal from program area
  2. Communication between staff and parent/guardian/spectator should be ongoing regarding any further incidences of inappropriate behavior.

When to Contact the Police:

  • If participant makes a direct threat of hurting himself, call the parent/guardian
    immediately. If a parent/guardian is not available, call the police and immediately
    inform the direct supervisor or management staff.
  • If a participant/parent/guardian/spectator becomes overly aggressive and violent,
    call the police and immediately inform the direct supervisor or management staff.

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