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District Info

District Info

Welcome to the Woodridge Park District!

The Woodridge Park District serves approximately 35,500 residents within 10.26 square miles, offers more than 1,000 programs each year, and maintains five facilities; 21 miles of paved off-road bikeways with connections to regional trails; and 40 community and neighborhood parks open space sites, woodlands, wetlands, totaling 685 acres.

Organized on October 21, 1969 per an “Order as to the Organization of the Woodridge Park District” by Judge William L. Guild, the Woodridge Park District is a municipal corporation that is governed principally by the “Park District Code,” an Illinois statute originally enacted in 1947 (70 ILCS 1205/1-1 et seq.) and is subject to a number of other state and federal laws.

A park district was created for the purpose of acquiring and maintaining parks and is a separate and distinct entity from the village, county, or other body politic. It is an agency through which, in part, the people of the State carry on government. It is not purely local in function; for the courts have held that the property is held in trust for the use of the people of the State at large and not for the exclusive use of the people of the district (see for example, Quinn vs. Irving Park District, 201 Ill. App. 449).

Woodridge Park District

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