Registration Policies
- The Woodridge Park District reserves the right to alter the schedule, cancel programs, or add programs when enrollment warrant. Waiting lists will be taken when programs are filled, and every attempt will be made to accommodate people on these lists.
- The park district assumes no liability for person injuries or loss of personal property while attending Woodridge Park District activities.
- The Woodridge Park District strives to comply with the 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). Please indicate on the registration form if you or any member of your family needs special assistance or accommodations to participate in any Park District programs.
Satisfaction Guaranteed and Refund Procedure
The Woodridge Park District offers a “Satisfaction Guaranteed” policy for our recreation programs! (Trips, summer day camps, pool passes and one-day events and Village Greens 2-year membership excluded). We are committed to giving the residents of Woodridge quality programs at reasonable prices, and we are prepared to stand behind the programs we offer. If you are not completely satisfied with the program after attending two classes, stop by the ARC before the third meeting to fill out an “unsatisfied” refund form. We will invite you to repeat a class at no charge, receive a credit toward another program in the session, or receive a full refund (minus $5 administrative charge).
No refund will be granted after the third meeting of the program or after 50% of the classes have been held (whichever is earlier) with the exception of a written medical excuse prior to completion of the program. A $5 administrative charge will be deducted from the amount of refund for each program, including refunds for medical reasons. Medical excuses will result in a pro-rated refund based upon the number of classes held prior to the date listed on the physician’s excuse. No refunds will be given for a trip unless there is a replacement participant or the trip is cancelled. The Park District does reserve the right to cancel a program if the enrollment is not sufficient to justify sponsorship of the activity. Participants will receive a phone call and the option of a refund or leaving the balance on their account. We ask for your feedback to help us serve our residents to the best of our ability and to achieve our goal to make this the most cooperative, public accessible park district in the state.
Photography/Videotaping Policy
The Woodridge Park District photographs and videotapes participants in its programs, special events or facilities to publicize recreational opportunities. We do not use any identification in our brochures. By registering for a program or utilizing a facility, participants and parents/guardians of participants consent to being photographed and videotaped. These photographs and videotapes will be used to promote the Park District through press releases, brochures, the web site and other promotional materials. Please tell the instructor and photographer if you do not want to be photographed.